Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Joy's Dance Party

 Joy came to me with a big smile on her face, carrying a small keyboard given to us by a friend.  "This song makes me think of Daddy. He would always pretend like he was playing it. Daddy was so funny. " She pressed the button and started to dance. That's it. That's the post. That's the praise report. Y'all keep praying, God hears. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Family Updates For March

March has been a long, long, and eventful month. I wanted to give short updates on each of us. For all of the prayer warriors, thanks so much for keeping us lifted up. This month I think we all learned and appreciated even more the blessing of great family and friends.  Daily check-ins and meetups where we feel loved and safe to just be "us" is a true treasure, and a lifeline.  

A list of Beautiful Things

  • We went to get the oil changed on the van, and when the manager learned of our story, they took care of the bill and gave us their condolences.  
  • Last week we had a couple of therapy sessions that were early in the morning. We had to hit the drive through for breakfast twice, at two different spots, and both times the cars in front of us took care of our orders.  
  • We were able to get switched to an office for play/art therapy for Ben & Joy. The provider linked up with another colleague to be able to offer her services In-Network. It's closer to us, a better setup for the waiting family members & is now covered by insurance. 
  • We started a "Midweek Ministry" at our home on Wednesdays, where we make up bags of snacks and scriptures for the delivery drivers in our neighborhood.
  • A Beautiful Friend went to Paris and brought us back some awesome souvenirs. 
  • A close family friend came to take the boys for laser tag and some guy time.
  • Tee Kan & Unc took the kids for fun times at the park and petting zoo
  • The kids enjoyed our homeschool math unit study which included opening up their own savings accounts, learning about interest and investing in stocks.
  • Kendall and I got a chance to do another Mommy & Daughter sushi date, talked and had a good time.

Family Updates

*Kendall shared with me and the therapist that she is feeling much more joy lately.  She believes that this is what Dad would want and says she feels the prayers working. That is a HUGE praise report for sure! She loves being with friends, reading and being creative. 

*Benjamin is loving riding his bike, responding well in play/art therapy, and started soccer this week! He said, "I made ALL the friends" and loved having us on the sidelines rooting him on. He also got his first big boy haircut!  Although he's sleeping a little better, he's having nightmares often. From my understanding, this is normal.

*Joy is praying aloud more and is also enjoying solo time with friends.  She is starting to open up more in therapy but is struggling with a lot of anger. She does look forward to kids' grief group.  Daddy was her world. Joy is pressing on in continuing to learn piano. Some days are very tough but I'm grateful for her teacher who is extremely understanding and kind. Joy also loves watching "Bake Squad".

*Max is growing in teen grief group and is talking more and more in individual therapy. He really enjoys Wednesday night youth church. He is missing his dad, ALOT. He and I talk every night via email and share scriptures and struggles trying to keep each other afloat.  He is a great helper around the house and takes frequent trips out to ride his hoverboard to clear his head.  Max is also very close to getting his first belt in Martial Arts, which he really enjoys. 

*It's been a good weekly break for Elijah to continue PE at the local school. Once a week he also sees their school counselor and seems to look forward to speaking with her and bringing home info and tips for the rest of us. This month has really hit Elijah hard, very hard.  Lots of triggers and down days. I'm thankful that he opens up to me, and we can cry together and laugh together as well.  He's still doing well in piano and is close to getting his first belt in Martial Arts.  Elijah enjoys video games and audio books about animals and nature.  

*Amira is continuing to perfect her skill of mimicking everyone in the house. She's very smart and also a little bossy. She is still our little comforting angel, gives many hugs and affectionately replies   " I love you TOO."

*Avielle is doing very well in martial arts; she was even helping to show a few newer kids the moves. She also looks forward to Wednesday night church and kids' grief group.  Avi has a tender heart and is very empathetic to other families in our situation which sometimes can be a hindrance when processing her own grief.  She did enjoy her first individual therapy session, but also struggles with some pinned up anger. 

*I don't have much of an update about myself right now. Other than the fact that I'm grateful to be surrounded by family, friends, counselors, pastors and prayer warriors because I have no words. 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

It Was Just Gettin' Good!

One of the things that I never knew I would be so grateful for, was the fact that our kids feel free to speak openly about all of the things.  Even for my sons, it doesn't take much prodding before they realize that I am a safe person for them to trust with their most intimate thoughts, fears, and struggles. Elijah and I have always had a unique relationship. He was the transition child in many ways. Several life changes transpired when I became pregnant and gave birth to him. One of those changes was the start of my journey as a Stay at Home Mom.  This would eventually morph into a few other roles including master's student mom, work from home mom, homeschool mom , boss mom , etc.  

One day last week, I'm not sure what sparked the conversation, but Elijah and I were sitting down reminiscing about how 2021 came for the jugular and was an unexpectedly crazy year.  We had all survived 2020, which was a complete miracle in itself . With the face coverings, lockdowns, and live streaming and the birth of our beautiful seventh baby,  it was a year of historic proportions.

I remember posting on Facebook something to the effect of:

               "2021, I need you to come in, sit down, shut up, and don't touch nothin!" 

I believe we were all cruising into the year with some hope that normalcy would return.   The year started out for us with our first family pet, Ali the turtle.  Elijah wanted it so badly, and although Patrick and I joked about the kids misplacing the turtle somewhere in the house and waking in a panic; he gave in.  A couple months later, Patrick wanted to up the ante and get a dog, so we got a cute little pit puppy named "Blue". The kids lost it, they were so excited, but of course I couldn't believe that I had another "kid" to look after.  Patrick understood and did his best to teach the kids to be responsible and take care of Blue.  In addition, we had decided to get our house ready to take advantage of the seller's market.  We had built the house from the ground up, and our kids had called it home for almost seven years.  We didn't realize at the time how this move would affect us all, emotionally.  

As Elijah put it, "we had just survived a lot of changes, started to settle down, and even bought our Christmas tree.  And then WHAM!" He was right. There was no way that this was on our radar at all. I can't even explain it. What we thought would be a normal Saturday of shopping for and ministering to our neighbors in the mobile home park, turned into something beyond our imagination.  Christmas was his favorite holiday.  I was so grateful that we had been able to follow our tradition of picking a tree together and decorating it with the kids while drinking hot cocoa. 
This entire thing feels like a gut punch, or in Elijah's words "it feels like an airplane landed on me."

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Dance Dad-By Kendall

 Hi everyone, my name is Kendall Wheeler, and I am the eldest child in the family. My dad was always supportive of me. There was not one idea that I had that Dad didn’t respond with “let’s do it” (unless it was impossible). While studying dance at the Straz Center for Performing Arts, my dad and mom were an amazing team with a mission: helping me to reach my dream of becoming a ballerina. I remember having to get up early on Saturday mornings, so that I can get to dance in downtown Tampa. Before I would go into class my Dad would always make sure that I followed our special stretch routine before class started. My dad was always excited to watch me dance, he knew it was my passion and was the best dance Dad I could ever ask for. In 2018,  I got an opportunity to audition for The Moscow Ballet in their production of "The Nutcracker”. I was so excited, but it was a long run of auditions. One day, Dad got home from work, sat down with me at the table and said, “They finalized the cast."  He gave me a disappointed look then continued, “a lot of kids auditioned, and not all of them got in. " He paused for suspense then shouted, “You GOT IN!" I was so happy, I jumped up and down and hugging him. On December 26, 2018, at 7:30 p.m on opening night,  I danced with the Moscow Ballet on the Maffey Theater stage. Everybody was so proud of me; I was proud of myself too. My mom was backstage with me, and my Dad and Aunt were in the audience cheering me on.  After the show, the smile that my Dad gave me as I ran into my his arms lit up the room and made me feel so good about myself. My Dad was one of the most important people in my life, and it pains me more than you will ever know to let him go. But, to be honest I have felt better this week. I have been filled with joy in life, and have been able to enjoy things like get-togethers with awesome, old friends. All the prayers have been taking effect, please keep them coming.  My Dad is the best dad ever and is certainly the best dance dad ever. I know he is watching over me when I need it most.

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Unanswerable Question: "How y'all doing?"

Not a single day goes by without at least half a dozen people checking on us.  My personality thrives on finding solutions and having answers.  But when asked this simple yet unanswerable question, I freeze.  One answer that I cannot foresee giving is, "We're fine."  

So, I've compiled a few raw answers I've given to friends who checked on us this past week:"

70% of the time, we're okay. Functioning, sharing stories and laughs, looking at pictures and embracing all the things that our family stands for.  That's due to the prayers of our people, petitioning God for his grace and supernatural comfort.  But that 30%, is a "dark thirty." I can't deny God's grace.

This week started some sleep struggles that we haven't had before. It's been a busy week and I'm worn out.

  • Sunday-GriefShare 
  • Monday-Bible yoga
  • Tuesday-Piano, PE
  • *Several Breakdowns*
  • Wed-PE ,  Family Grief activities 
  • Thurs-Ben & Joy Play Therapy, Kids Grief Group
  • Fri-My Therapy , Martial Arts, YMCA

 "God took my husband away from me. My partner and best friend.  I prayed and said, "God, Patrick and I need relief help us to get from under all our obligations so we can regroup and reorganize and continue to serve you." And He answered with this.  I cried out for help and this was His answer. I am heartbroken.  I have some beautiful stories of His comfort I can't ignore that. But I'm so so so upset that I even need His comfort in this way.  I feel punished. And although I know that's not God's nature, it sure feels like it.  So either God is going to give me strength, clarity and guidance to raise these kids alone or rapture is coming.  At this point, I don't feel ready for either. 

"It's been a week.  But in good news the counselor that I saw in December, I saw her again and it was the first time that I felt refreshed."

*Pictured below, the start of our trail mix of feelings-family activity*

Monday, March 7, 2022

I'm sorry, but I can't commit

One of the things that I loved most about my relationship with Patrick, was that we willingly CHOSE to do life together.  Neither one of us felt like we were missing anything before, but once we met, we were inseparable.  It was a God thing.  We had our own visions for how our lives would play out. For instance, he told me, "Before you, I never really saw myself being married. I was just going to be that cool uncle with the really good job that came home for Christmas with lots of presents."  Even in the emergency room, I reminded him "It was either you or no one. If I was going to experience love, it would have only been with the fullness in which you loved me, or not at all." (There will be another post on how we met)

With that being said, each and every day in this current reality is...beyond belief. No part of this mission was meant to be done solo. We were better together. Our lives were so intertwined that we could practically be blindfolded with one hand tied behind our backs and would get the task accomplished with synchronized movements and motions. The teamwork truly made the dream work.  So, trying to plan anything, even a doctor's appointment means that I'm committing to knowing and accepting that Patrick won't be there to meet me.  I won't have to send him a note to put it on his calendar.  Even typing that, I know someone reading this just broke down, and I'm sorry.  I can't even comprehend why I would have even typed that, but I did. 

So, no I won't be able to commit to that. Thank you for the invite, thank you for thinking of us, we appreciate the offer we just cannot commit to much other than getting up and allowing God to comfort us and show us His love and supernatural comfort each day. This is just where I am. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

This Sweet Baby

One of the ways that God has answered prayers for Supernatural comfort, has been with this sweet baby..number 7, Amira. Shortly after everything happened, she seemed to become a big girl overnight.  In the first couple of weeks during our nighttime meltdowns, she would rub our backs and say "It's okay" or "I know, I know" in her endearing little voice.  We knew she didn't understand exactly what was happening, but that God was using her to be a light.  The morning that he went into the hospital, it was like every other morning. Amira woke up and gave me and her Dad a fist bump. As a pandemic baby, this was her normal greeting, and it always brought a big smile to his face. Up until then, hearing "mama " was a rarity. She would wake up and go to sleep with a chorus of "Da-da”.

Shortly after Christmas, a very close family friend came see us before she flew back overseas. The previous time she visited it was a hard day.  But on this day at this moment, I was feeling peace and joy as I reminisced about some of our family's amazing adventures. We’d had so many people at the house, but I never felt compelled to ask anyone to pray for us, but on this day I did. Truthfully, even now prayer is touchy. Some nights the baby would wake up and ask for Daddy and then say to me "Mama, pray." Those nights were hard.  As we formed a circle, Baby Amira was excited to join, and grabbed hands with her siblings.  As our friend began to pray, she was completely overwhelmed with tears and became silent.  When she had no words, Amira chimed in with her baby language at the perfect time, with her eyes shut and ended with “May-man”. (Amen) We all looked up and knew that the Holy Spirit was truly in the midst.

Amira now greets every visitor with hugs, calls each sibling by name and has perfected her imitating skills. She loves to laugh, play outdoors, rap, and has an early obsession with shoes and beef jerky. The mornings have been almost too much to bear, but when she wakes up and says, “good morning mommy”, I have no choice but to thank God for placing a little angel by my bedside.