I am constantly amazed and humbled at how our village of family and friends show up for us, especially in a clutch. This month I've been overwhelmed at the response as I've reached out more and more for help. I wouldn't use strong words like "routine" or "schedule", but I can say that I'm starting to see patterns in places where help is needed and effective. Eight months into our journey and I have to say, it seems like it all just happened yesterday. It's not "Getting better" as some would absurdly suggest; but here are some examples of ways that the community has clocked-in for us.
After a long day at Homeschool Co-op, my sister and Brother-in-law came to the house to take Benji on a one-on-one. He got to go to dinner, the Lego store, and even rode the carousel. Although I was hosed up that day, having them step in and give him that solo time was so very helpful. On that same day, a family friend stopped by after a long day at work and put together bikes for Kendall, Max, and Elijah.
One struggly Saturday, I was completely overwhelmed, and Patrick's close friend and his son came and took the boys for golf and pizza. Although the rest of the day was crazy, it allowed them to have some guy time. On the same day, our friends took Avielle to do outreach, lunch and brough her home after. I had a lunch meeting and was surprised to come home, and my sister had come over to take Amira, Kendall and Benji on a neighborhood walk.
Last Saturday was unreal, and unexpectedly so. The older boys are playing basketball this season on two different teams, with two different game times. I hadn't fully planned on how that would work out or how tiny ones would get restless in between games. I was also not prepared for the emotional fallout of a potential game loss. I was a wreck. A friend came to take the older boys to lunch and to Bass Pro Shop and my sister saw me melting down and offered to take the Baby girls (Avi & Joy) later that afternoon to her house to chill and have some pool time. That left Kendall and I to spend time together and take the little ones to the splash pad.
And then, there are days like today. We were hosted for lunch and hugs, but I forgot we had piano. So, I made a call to our awesome music teacher and asked if she could meet us at our friend's house if we set up the keyboard and special space to practice. She graciously obliged and we got to have a great time on a day that started off rocky. Then, we got home just in time to meet Ms. Jaclyn who came over to lead the kids in Bible Yoga as they focused and meditated on Isiah 41:10. They stretched, focused their minds on the Lord, and had a great time. Then I received a message, "I'm having dinner delivered or y'all tonight."
There have been days when it took several sets of people to help hold down the fort. We've had friends host us for breakfast, neighbors to deliver groceries and help me figure the gas can when I've run out of gas (and energy) and couldn't get the van to start. I've had a friend show up to meet us at the mall with tools in hand to replace my headlights and taillight bulbs! My brother-in-law takes the boys for haircuts, friends send lawn care and dinner deliveries. My accountability/pastors/counselors who send encouragement via text and calls. And to each and every prayer warrior- we appreciate you. Every prayer turns into a small dance party, or a belly laugh, or a fun story about adventures with Dad.
So, thank you, thank you, and may God bless you ten times above and beyond what you continue to pour out to our family.
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