*This is the original text I sent in January of 2022, the accident took place on 12/21/2021*
One month ago today, a few days after the memorial services… Benjamin and I were hit head on in the van. He needed a moment away from the house and I took him about a mile and a half up the road to a dollar tree. A 16-year-old was trying to show Boat (per onlookers) and zoomed out of a side parking lot, sped up and hit us as we were pulling ahead from a full stop at the stop sign. Both airbags deployed and burst. Ben and I were ok, but I didn’t even share this because I was numb. God kept us, but it was truly just…unreal. It was a blur, it was dark, and I didn't even know what the guy looked like. Patrons from the local restaurants came running out screaming at the guy and taking pictures. Then an elderly grandmother came over, laid hands on Benjamin and I, and prayed over us in Jesus's name. Benji was so brave he didn’t even cry. He may have also just been overwhelmed with shock. Two of the kindest cops came to the scene and talked to me and encouraged me. They stated that they normally did not do crash sites but when they heard over the radio about our circumstance (our recent loss) they wanted to come and check on us. The next morning, I was gearing up for what I thought may be a fight with the insurance company. But when I called in, the representative interrupted me stating that the father who owned the car had already called Geico and claimed fault for the accident. We just got our van back today, lots of memories. Lots of sadness…and divine comfort. Thanks for checking on us & praying

**Update from July 2022**
A car wash recently opened up near our home. They have the best vacuums and so we stop there often. A few weeks ago, as I was headed into the tunnel, one of the workers stopped and asked if I had been in an accident. I replied that I hadn't since it had been a while ago and I had many other things on my mind. He said, "Oh okay because I was in an accident a while back and this van looks familiar." When he said that, I asked if he was in an accident in the plaza up the street. He confirmed and I told him, "Yes, you hit me and my baby." He replied, "Ma'am I've felt so bad about that this whole time. I'm really sorry for what I did." In that moment, I was able to forgive him and tell him to have a blessed day. Of all of the things going through my head and heart during that moment, I remember just being humbled and grateful to be a part of this young man's story. So many people don't get a chance to right a wrong. The fact that he "found me" and I was able to give him my forgiveness was.... I won't forget that."
Mommy & Benji 2020
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